Louisiana Medicaid Innovation Challenge
About the program
Connecting Louisiana Medicaid with solutions to ensure effective member engagement and communication to support eligibility and enrollment.
The Louisiana Department of Health partnered with Adaptation Health on the Louisiana Medicaid Innovation Challenge. This Challenge supported the Medicaid program by identifying market-ready solutions to engage members through the appropriate use of technology.
The Challenge was a multi-month project engaging constituents, stakeholders, and the state’s Medicaid Leadership, to address improved communication and engagement solutions to support effective Medicaid eligibility and enrollment. These engagement and communication processes are vital components in establishing effective access to coverage and in turn access to care and services. It is critical that Medicaid's online eligibility system achieves the right programmatic balance in facilitating effective enrollment and this requires additional innovative solutions to reach individuals in the right way and at the right time.
The Challenge culminated with a virtual showcase featuring the companies invited to present their innovative solutions to Louisiana Medicaid and its MCO leadership. See the recordings here.
To learn more, or if you have any questions, please connect with us.
Expert Panel
The Showcase started with a panel featuring the following experts and was moderated by Jen Katzman, Medicaid Deputy Director - Policy, Waivers, and Public Affairs Division at the Louisiana Department of Health

Dr. Andrey Ostrovsky
Former Chief Medical Officer of US Medicaid Program and Managing Partner at Social Innovation Ventures

Earl “Nupsius” Benjamin-Robinson, Dr.H.Sc
Deputy Director of Community Partnerships & Health Equity Leadership at the Louisiana Department of Health

Expert Panel from the Louisiana Medicaid Innovation Challenge
Companies Invited to Present
Challenge Statement and Background
“Our commitment is to serve our members with critical health care services in a timely and efficient manner. To do this we must also evolve and enhance our communication and engagement with the people we serve. This RFI will help us to identify innovative and effective ways to engage with all of our Medicaid members,”
Ruth Johnson, Executive Director of Louisiana Medicaid.
Challenge Statement
Louisiana Medicaid members have indicated they want to receive information through a variety of channels. Currently, official information regarding Medicaid eligibility and enrollment is provided through a single communication stream via direct paper mail. However, no one channel of communication works well for every member. Further, Medicaid members expressed anxiety and concern about the timeline and deadline to return information to Medicaid. The COVID-19 pandemic highlights the critical need to effectively communicate with all Louisiana Medicaid members specifically underserved communities and marginalized/vulnerable population groups. The Challenge aims to source vendors that can assist the state with improving communications strategies, channels and frequency between Medicaid and its members concerning their eligibility and enrollment status with respect to the considerations above to improve data capture, dissemination of pertinent public health information, along with improving the overall member experience.
Focus Areas of the Challenge
To effectively address communication between the state and Medicaid members, the RFI has three focus areas for innovative vendors to address in their response (that are not mutually exclusive) with proven effectiveness in reaching underserved communities and marginalized/vulnerable populations.
Focus Areas for Solutions
Identify the communication preferences of members by channels and dosages.
Provide culturally appropriate targeting and engaging messaging
The capability to provide a multi-channel, communication systems.
Research Brief and Background
The research brief captures direct member feedback on the current communication process with the 1.6 million Medicaid members concerning their eligibility and enrollment in Louisiana Medicaid. Throughout the Fall of 2019, Adaptation Health spoke with members throughout the state. Based on the direct findings found in the research and highlighted in the brief, innovative vendors will be encouraged to respond to the upcoming state of Louisiana Request for Information.
From the research detailed in the brief, Medicaid members indicated they wanted to receive information through a variety of communication channels. Currently, information is coming primarily through a single stream via direct mail. There is no one channel that is believed to work well for everyone with members expressing interest across various forms of communication. The Louisiana Medicaid Innovation Challenge aims to source vendors who can improve or expand upon communication strategies, channels, and dosage between LDH and Medicaid members concerning the member’s eligibility and enrollment status.
1. Deadlines
The deadlines to return information creates confusion and does not give people enough time to respond.
2. content
Most people found the content of the letters to be clear and recognized that there is important information contained in them.
3. Communication Dosage
Ideal solutions should create the correct balance between informing and engaging members while not overwhelming them.
Five Key Findings From research
4. Processing Information
Members spoke heavily about various ways in which they understand information, indicating a need to be considerate of process.
5. No single Channel
Lastly and most critically, there is no single communication channel preferred by members. People spoke about various ways they prefer to receive communication indicating the need to be more comprehensive in channel and approach.